

How to reduce the high cancellation fee of Commufa Hikari (Internet) in Japan [2022.5]

Commufa Hikari is an optical line with attractive monthly charges and campaigns such as cash back and free construction costs.     The target areas are Aichi prefecture, Gifu prefecture, Shizuoka prefecture, Mie prefecture, and Nagano prefecture.     I signed up for Commufa Hikari in June 2020.     I was dissatisfied with the internet communication (speed) provided by the Mikawawan network, so I switched to Commufa Hikari.     I will explain what I learned after using Commufa Hikari for 2 years and the cancellation fee.   ※It is an article that can be read in 3 minutes ...


Think about panic disorder-agoraphobia(PD) and how to overcome it【2022/5】

Personally, the following activities suddenly became difficult from 3 years ago ... ・Going to the beauty salon ・Going to the dentist ・Driving a car (especially highways, tunnels, traffic jams) ・Train ・Movie theater ・Amusement park (screaming attractions, Ferris wheel)  The situation of being closed and restrained is basically NG   It makes it hard to breathe.   I become anxious about what to do if I can't breathe, and negative self-suggestion (mind control) works and I can't breathe.   I'm worried about breathing.   It was very encouraging to see that many people are suffering from the same problems when I ...